Artificial Intelligence Has Completely Changed the World of Data Management

Databases are the powerhouses of businesses because it helps business owners and business leaders track all business transactions and gather all information about the business activities. It helps determine the efficiencies of individual business functions like sales, marketing, production, inventory management, human resources, accounts, and even the overall business performance. 

A lot depends on data management techniques that allow various types of data manipulation to gain valuable insights into business from different perspectives. The more accurate is the data analysis better will be the business decisions. However, gathering all kinds of data, storing it safely, and managing data by giving access to the right people is a professional task that businesses must entrust to companies like that have many years of experience in providing the services of database administrators. 

Looking Through the Data

Data analysis is all about the wise use of the correct type of data to extract the information hidden within the data that provides valuable insights about the highs and lows of businesses. The quality of data is of utmost importance to derive the correct information by using various analytical methods. Still, another thing that is even more important is to find the meaning of various data sets. It requires seeing through the data to visualize how customers are behaving, their intentions for interacting with the business, and what they expect from it. To dive inside the data pool for detecting various traits of customer behavior, businesses are using the advanced technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in a big way to take full advantage of data analysis in making correct and timely decisions for business betterment.

Gather More Precise Insights with AI

The technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beneficial for database management. More and more companies are deploying the technology to understand better the behind-the-scenes activities that influence the business outcome.  Data-based decisions are nothing new, but the use of new technologies provides a cutting edge to business leaders by facilitating data-centric decision making that enables them to make more correct decisions to drive the business in the right direction. 

AI helps to track business activities and customer interactions in minute details for understanding customer expectations more accurately. Based on the inputs, business owners can position their business most appropriate to fulfill the customer expectations and improve the business outcomes. 

AI and Database Augmentation

Businesses must synergize the AI technology with the database management systems by embedding AI across the database management system. AI can greatly improve the accuracy of database queries. In the process, they provide valuable leads for optimizing the system resources. AI can greatly reduce the time cycles of various operations by eliminating duplication to improve the efficiencies of the processes and increase productivity.  Extensive automation of the business processes by using AI positively impacts customer experience as the quality of customer support improves significantly.   By using smart sensors and virtual assistants, businesses can streamline their logistics by reducing the dependence on humans to carry out repetitive operations like billing, automatically routing service requests, and ensuring an improved customer experience.

Here are some examples of companies using AI for better database management to take their businesses to the next level.


Google utilizes AI as part of its interest in Deep Learning, where the AI system based on neural networks can work like human brains for processing data. Considering the sea of data that Google handles every second, it depends heavily on the power of AI to process data fast and accurately by looking deep inside data to discover the intention of searchers. The most prominent example of Google using AI is the Google Assistant that uses both text and voice entry and uses AI’s natural language processing capabilities to deliver the services. 

Deep learning has been all-encompassing across the Google operations as it is behind everything from natural language processing to the user recommendations of YouTube.  Google’s ambitious self-driven car project is heavily reliant on AI technology that uses the power of deep learning to automate vehicle functions. 


Like Google, Twitter uses AI extensively for the last five years to assess the incredible volume of tweets generated every second and decide which tweets would be most relevant and interesting for its users. AI holds the center stage once again as Twitter faces a huge challenge in handling hate tweets with political and social ramifications. The technology helps inadequate segregation of content by understanding the intent by using AI. By using the same technology, Twitter effectively battles the threat posed by racist and extremist content on the platform by effectively identifying objectionable content and taking it down immediately.  Now that Twitter allows its users to crop photo is another example of AI working wonders for improving user experience. 


Netflix has an enviable reputation of recommending new content to its users that hits the bull’s eye every time. This has been possible because of the AI-based algorithms that Netflix uses to track users so closely that they are aware of the minutest changes to user taste and expectations.  To provide personalized content to each user, Netflix uses AI to filter through a massive volume of content in seconds and present the ones that align with what users expect. Ai is at work during the pre-production of Netflix originals, shows, and movies, and technology plays a vital role in optimized streaming.


Alexa, the virtual assistant introduced by Amazon, shows the power of AI that gives life to the device that people can trust with closed eyes. The natural language processing abilities of AI coupled with machine learning (ML) enables the device to handle user queries and act according to the wishes of the users who might request the device to order some product to play some chosen musical track.

The extensive use of AI has completely changed the face of data management as it gives mind-reading powers to organizations that can better understand the users.

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