Email Marketing 101: Showcasing Your New Product

Marketers think email marketing is obsolete, but that’s not true. It’s just challenging to pull off. Here are the top things to keep in mind when running your email marketing campaign.

Email marketing is an essential part of your marketing mix, especially if you want to promote a new product. However, it’s also one of the most challenging promotional strategies to master, and if you don’t know where to pull the strings, you’ll end up with no results. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to use email marketing to showcase your new product and get more customers through your door.

Keep it Succinct and Engaging

The first mistake marketers make is that they flood their emails with paragraphs of text. How many such emails have you read before tossing them into the trash folder? Compactness matters. Your audience doesn’t have much time, so you only get one shot to impress them — that’s exactly why email marketing is so hard.

Keeping that in mind, your emails should be brief and to the point. They should also not be entirely text-based but rather have images, visuals, and multi-colored fonts to grab the eye. The bottom line is no one would bother reading your email unless it’s interactive and concise. We suggest using an online graphic design tool like PosterMyWall and using these email templates to craft the perfect poster promoting your product(s) and embedding it in your email.

Subject Lines Are Everything

As mentioned earlier, you only have one chance to prove to the reader you’re worth their time, let alone selling your product. If you don’t have a compelling-enough subject line, the audience won’t bother to open your emails. Your subject line should be catchy, relevant, and something to get your potential customers on their toes. 

For example, you could write something like “Here’s a sneak peek of our brand new jacket” or “Here’s what you’ve been missing out on.” Both these headlines pique the curiosity of the reader and prompt them to open the email to find out what it is. However, ensure that your headline is relevant to the email contents so that you don’t mislead the readers into opening your emails. You should use these email header templates with your opening line to retain readers who’ve opened your email.

Don’t Forget the CTA Buttons

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are typically overlooked by email marketers. Your best chance to direct the customer to your website, which is also your point of sale, is through CTAs. More significantly, a CTA provides crystal-clear instructions for what your potential consumers should do next. You can’t just tell people to pre-order your new product or redeem a discount and walk away as if they’ll figure it out themselves — they won’t.

Instead, you have to bring your shop to them and make their purchase decision as easy as possible. Include a CTA button with a link to that particular landing page on your website, such as “Get up to 30% off on our new products.” Remember, the hyperlink has to be for that specific discount page, not your website’s home page.

Segment Your Target Audience

Even within the same industry, no two businesses can have the same target audience. If you sell jackets that older adults like, there might be a jacket business making jackets for younger people. Alternatively, you may have products popular with different age groups, genders, etc. Therefore, you need to identify all the shades in your target audience and craft an email tailored to the interests, preferences, and pain points of each one.

You can’t just rely on a single email to reach out to all of these different folks. Otherwise, you’ll end up neglecting all other audience segments to satisfy just one. Market segmentation becomes useful in this situation. It entails figuring out the various demographics of your audience and creating an email specific to their interests.

A Final Piece of Advice

What makes email marketing so hard is that it changes form for every business, depending on the target audience, business model, product type, and more. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution that would apply to every business. Therefore, you must experiment with a number of strategies and pick out the best ones for you. You’ll also need to tailor each of the aforementioned strategies to your specific case.

Lastly, don’t forget the 80-20 rule. 80% of your email should be informative and educational without being salesl-y. That’s the only way to build trust, and sales don’t happen without trust. When your audience sees you’re vested in them and are on their side, they’ll be more receptive to your marketing messages due to the element of genuineness. Once you’ve built that rapport, you can slide in your marketing messages to suggest why your products are the best in the market.

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