User Interface Tips That are Too Basic to Ignore

User interface (UI) design is an invaluable consideration to make when making apps or websites. It can make or break all the other efforts. This makes UI designing skills a sought-after talent in the tech world, yet design remains a highly subjective aspect. 

There are many design aspects that can alter how your website will work and determine the user’s overall experience of your product. This post will cover some well-known user interface tips that are just too basic to ignore. These UI tips will boost the usability of your web app or website.

User Interface (UI) Design is commonly thought of as the way a user interacts with and experiences a website or app. But in reality, UI design is so much more than just that. 

Some people are of the opinion that the user interface plays no or a minimal role in bringing in visitors or profits. This cannot be farther from reality. 

In fact, we live in an age where the user experience is the key factor contributing to success. Since most Internet users are on their mobile devices, it is vital for businesses to ensure that their websites are responsive for the mobile medium as well in order to capture the attention of maximum users.

Let’s now discuss the best practices for user interface design.

Keep the interface simple and accessible

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Avoid overloading the user with too many design elements. The one thing about design you should always remember is that: Simpler is always better. If you think fancy design, thrown together with no rhyme or reason, will get you customers, you are gravely mistaken. 

Simplicity is key – this advice rings so true for user interface designs that it cannot be stressed enough. The main idea behind having a simple interface is to ensure that the users don’t have to make the effort to figure things out on your website or app. 

If your platform is too complicated or difficult to navigate, they’re going to leave or ‘bounce off’ your site and visit one with less complications in terms of design and navigation. 

Use images sparingly

An image is worth a thousand words, but a single image cannot replace all those words at once. Images should be used to make your design more compelling and intuitive, not to fill empty space or decorate the page. And you cannot use images to replace in-depth reviews or other aspects of content used to inform and educate the user on the brand and its products.

Test your product with real people

Do not create an interface in a vacuum; user testing must be part of the process of finalizing designs. It’s much better to find out what works and what doesn’t when you can still make changes rather than after your product has shipped.

Be consistent with navigation 

Users are more likely to find what they’re looking for if navigation is intuitive because users don’t like having to figure out which link goes where every time they visit a new site. 

Use similar labels for similar actions, particularly on the website’s main pages, such as the homepage and landing pages from organic search or paid ads/emails.

Use whitespace tactfully

Whitespace is essentially the empty space between elements of a design. It helps draw attention to certain components, gives a site room to “breathe,” and leads the eye through a design without overwhelming it. 

It’s common for designers to get caught up using every bit of space they can on a page — especially when they’ve got a lot of information they want to relay — but too much clutter will only hinder the appeal of your design rather than helping it.

Whitespace is good. Use it. Don’t crowd your page with too much clutter. Leave room for essential elements, and use padding and margins to help those elements breathe. 

The reason why this is important is simple: Designers often get caught up in trying to make the most of their space, but the fact is that whitespace helps guide the eye across a page, so that users can focus on what matters. If everything is crammed together into a tight space, users have to work extra hard to figure out where they’re supposed to look to be looking, or where should they navigate to get to a certain page. 

Don’t use jargon or abbreviations

This should be pretty obvious, but people do it anyway. Even if your users understand what you’re saying (which will often be unlikely), they’ll have to slow down and think about it, which can interrupt the flow of their experience.

Apply colors and textures strategically

You want to create a visual hierarchy with colors and textures, so that the users know what’s important and what’s not. You can use colors for differentiating between content areas or highlighting important information. Consider how colors, shapes, and textures work together and which ones will be visually distracting.

Be purposeful with the page layout

The placement of specific elements on the page affects how users interact with them. For example, placing a sign-up form on the right side of the page above the fold allows for more conversions than placing it below the fold.


Typography is just as important as color because it is what communicates all of the content on your site. It also has a huge impact on readability. Always consider readability first and then pick fonts based on what’s appropriate for your audience and will contribute to your overall brand personality.


If you’re relatively new to the work of designing applications, this article is a good compilation of the useful UI tips. A few that will stick out at first glance are keeping your interface consistent and avoiding visual clutter by removing unnecessary icons. But overall, these are all good tips to remember. They may seem basic, but they’re ones that many people often overlook in the creation of their app’s interface.

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