Fix Outlook Send Receive Error – 6 Easy Ways

The Outlook Send Receive Error is quite a common issue. When this happens, you can neither send nor receive emails in Outlook. It is a severe drawback of this platform. Despite being composed of so many attractive features like web calendar, task manager, note-taking, this error reduces the popularity of Outlook day by day.

Now, as the Outlook Send Receive Error keeps on happening, there must be some reasons behind it. So, we better learn the causes and find quick solutions to handle these silly technical glitches. You can pay a hefty fee to a professional to fix this issue, or you can keep reading, and we will give you some of the best solutions to this problem.

But, before we dive into the solutions. Let’s find out the reasons behind it. 

What Causes The Outlook Send Receive Error?

  1. One of the primary reasons for encountering this error in Outlook is a poor or unstable internet connection.
  2. If the Outlook data file has an error, you can experience the same issue.
  3. There may be antivirus software installed in your computer that is not incorporating well with Outlook.
  4. If you try to send large files in the email, you can experience the issue.
  5. Finally, if your Outlook email account settings are not configured correctly, this same problem can occur.

How To Fix The Outlook Send Receive Error?

Since the Outlook Send Receive Error has become so common, we will share more than one way to resolve this problem. But, before we burden you with all the solutions, try sending a mail-in Outlook once, and be confirmed that you are facing this issue. Let’s get on with the solutions now;

Method 1: Configure The Outlook Email Settings Right

It often happens when your Outlook email settings don’t stay right, which can cause potential difficulty in sending and receiving emails. So, follow these steps to fix this error;

  • Open your Outlook account and log in with the correct credentials.
  • Now, navigate to the file option. 
  • Then, head to the info menu and click on the account settings button.
  • Once you are on the account settings page, you can see an option called change.
  • After that, tap on the more settings button and choose the outgoing server option.
  • You will see an option called My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Click on that checkbox.
  • After that, tick on another checkbox of Log on to the incoming server before sending mail.
  • Finally, click the okay button, and press the finish option.

Method 2: Uninstall The Antivirus Software From The PC

Any third-party software can prevent you from accessing your Outlook account, and that causes the Outlook Send Receive Error. So, you must disable the firewall, and so you must follow these steps;

  • Open the control panel, and press the network connections option.
  • Right-click on that option and navigate to the properties tab.
  • You can see the firewall option.
  • Once your inbox is updated, enable the firewall again to secure your system.

Method 3: Repair The PST File

In your Outlook, a folder called PST file contains messages, memos, contact, notes, etc. If this file becomes corrupted, the Outlook Send Receive Error can resurface. Follow these steps to get rid of this problem;

Quick Recovery – For Microsoft Outlook Mails

  • Log out of your Outlook account.
  • Now, open the system, and navigate to the settings option.
  • Tap on the update and security option.
  • Then, click on the troubleshoot button.
  • Finally, open the PST file and either restore the pst file, move it, or back it up. 
  • Choose any of those options, and transfer your data from the current Outlook account to another email.
  • Refresh the system.

Method 4: Clear Your Outbox, And Modify The Server Time-Out

By default, the server timeout in your Outlook mail will be set to 1 minute. Now, when you try to send large sized-files, that time will be insufficient. Therefore, you need to follow a few steps to increase the time-out.

  • Log in to your Outlook account, and clear your outbox.
  • Now, select the file option, and click on the account settings button.
  • Click on the change tab, and find the more settings option.
  • Once you appear on the more settings window, choose the advanced option.
  • Now, move the server timeout slider to your right to set it at a longer length. 

Method 5: Clean The Outlook Mails

If lots of mail stored in your inbox can create a problem, the same can happen for outbox mails too. So, it’s better to clear the outbox mails every once in a while. To do that, you must follow these steps;

  • Open your Outlook mail and head to the send receive tab.
  • You will see an option of working offline there. You can click on that.
  • Now, head to your outbox, and select all the mails from there.
  • Move the mails to the draft option.

Method 6: Check The Stability Of Your Internet Connection

To fix the Outlook Send Receive Error, you must check the speed of the internet. That’s because you are often not getting any mail or can’t send any mail due to a poor network connection. So, follow these steps;

  • Select any of the web browsers that your computer window has. 
  • Type or in the address bar.
  • If you can access this site, your internet is connected and stable. But, if it does not give you access, you need to recheck your internet connection.

Wrap Up

You can quickly fix the Outlook Send Receive Error by applying all these methods. However, even after using these solutions, if you face the same problem, contact the professionals. There are many professional solution providers present on the web who can help you get through this phase. But, give all these fixes a shot before calling them for help.

Author Bio

Lucia Patterson was born and raised in New York. She is a passionate blogger and also a contributor writer at Lawyers Inventory, TopPreference & Big Jar News. As an admirer of history and art, she keeps traveling around to places that have a story to tell.

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