How To Make A Kickass Video To Showcase Your Products?

Want to create a buzz about your product in the market? Then let’s make it happen. In this article, we’ll learn about how video marketing can act as a genie’s lamp when it comes to marketing products.

Various research studies and surveys have been conducted that have shown us some very interesting facts about video marketing. Let’s dive into some of these stats:

  • Approximately 73% of people who watch product videos will make a purchase.
  • 64% of people watch videos on social media to make purchase decisions.
  • 59% of company decision-makers prefer product videos to make an investment than reading articles or review posts.
  • 87% of Gen Z prefer watching videos or ads to know more about any product.
  • Knowledge retention is much higher in videos than with articles or blog posts. 
  • The most interesting statistical fact according to research is that one-third of all online activity is spent on watching videos!

With this, we get a clear picture of video marketing and how much traffic it drives towards the product purchase. Now, let’s start with a basic plan of how to make a video from scratch to showcase your products.

  1. Draw a blueprint :

Start making a list that makes your product stand out from the crowd. Answer a few questions like what is your product’s USP? Why should your product be chosen to make a purchase? How will it reach a massive audience group? Use these answers to draw a clear blueprint of why people should buy your product out of all the products that are available in the market. 

  1. Become a writer :

Are you a creative person? If yes, then grab this opportunity and showcase your creative skills. Write a script on how your product is useful. What property you would use, what backdrops you would use, what visuals and what kind of editing you would prefer, how would you shoot, is it through a phone camera or through a digital camera? All of these points should be very clear before you start shooting.

  1. Target audience report :

Start researching your target audience. Who will use your product the most? Why should your target audience buy your product? What is the value addition that your product is adding to their life? What is the shelf life of your product? Is your product luxurious or affordable? Is it targeted only for higher class people or is it made for everyone? 

Do some valid research and make a report for your reference.

  1. Shoot location :

The most important aspect of the whole video marketing process is locations. Select the most appropriate location and designs for the shoot of your product. Be mindful of lighting as it is the hero of the shoot. Make sure the video is really short and attention-grabbing. 

  1. Editing :

The final and the most important point in the whole process is editing. This weapon has the power to build or destroy. Editing should be done in such a way that the audience should feel the essence and understand the product. It should be error-free, precise, and as efficient as possible. Therefore, you can edit videos using any good video editor available in the market. 

Now let us learn in how many ways you can kick start your video creation. There are various ways in which you can show your product to your audience.

  1. Demonstration video :

The world is waiting for you; it’s time to show what you have. A demonstration video is a useful method of showcasing your product and its features. These videos should be short and powerful. It should give the audience an idea of your product and why they should purchase it. 

A demonstration video can be of two types:

  • A video with a model where the model explains the product features.
  • A video shot only with the product, that explains its highlights to the audience.
  1. Review videos :

Trust plays an important role in any business. People do not use a product unless it is suggested by others. In this case, review videos come into pictures. Take a few testimonials from people who already used the product and create a video from that. Video increases awareness about the product and creates a positive impact among the people.

  1. Animated videos :

A very interesting, creative, and engaging form of video creation is animated videos. In this case, it could take a while to create the final output, but the response you get from this mode will be worth it. It could easily grab the attention of the viewer and it has the advantage of creating a personal touch and bringing out nostalgia in the viewer.

  1. FAQ or Q&A videos :

These videos are very popular among people. People love personalized questions and getting answers for them in the form of videos. FAQs help people to understand more about the product without even them asking questions. FAQ and Q&A videos act as a guide to the viewer on how to use the product. 

Yay! You are halfway there already! 

Now let us decide on the duration of the video. The duration of the video purely depends on what medium you want to use to publish the video. According to research, the ideal video length should be:

  • 30 seconds for Instagram 
  • 45 seconds for Twitter
  • 60 seconds for Facebook
  • 120 seconds for YouTube (can be a little longer in unavoidable cases but make sure the video is very attractive and informative)

Most people get distracted after watching the said duration and there are fewer chances of making a purchase. If the video comes out longer than the ideal length, try to trim out unwanted clips. The dimensions of the video should be given the utmost priority while posting on social media handles as different platforms have different dimensions. For example, Instagram has a 1:1 ratio and the reel feature has a 9:16 ratio while Youtube has a 16:9 ratio. The entire video talks about the features that the viewers are currently facing. 

Now comes the final part of your process. ‘THE FINAL CHECKLIST.

Here are a few checklist points you should review while publishing the final output on any platform:

  • The video should be high-quality. Poor quality does not help in building trust and will not help in driving traffic.
  • Ensure that you write five-star content. Every single word describing the product should be simple and crystal clear. It should be eye-catching and classy.
  • Captions and subtitles are an absolute must. 80% of people often watch videos without sound, and they only rely on captions. So make sure you add it so that all your bases are covered.
  • Use editing platforms that make your work easy. The editing should be very neat and smooth.
  • The call-to-action at the end of the video is a must. It makes the viewer take some desirable action and helps to increase sales. Some examples of call-to-action are: Subscribe to the channel, Make a purchase now to avail of the discount, Refer to your friends and get access to a premium account, click the link below to explore more products, etc.

Congratulations! Now you know how to create kickass videos of your product and start making big bucks! Be creative and let your dreams come true. Show off your products through video marketing and reach out to your targeted audience.

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