Learn How to Remove Breadcrumbs In WordPress with Latest Method

Most of the digital marketers are familiar with the name WordPress – isn’t it? But its functionalities are not as simple as its name. Instead, it is a highly complex tool, an open-source content management system (CMS) paired with MariaDB or MySQL database. 

Just like you are familiar with it, most of you may not have heard about ‘breadcrumbs’ in WordPress. But, do you know what a breadcrumb is? Well, for a moment, forget what WordPress is. It is generally a tiny text path indicating the user’s location on the site. 

It can be seen at the top of a webpage. However, these features vary depending on the type of breadcrumbs. 

Now, in terms of WordPress, the concept is also the same. As the term itself relates to WordPress, navigational links appear at the top of a page or post. Enabling them on a page is really simple but removing them is pretty tricky. 

In this guide, we will explain to you what breadcrumbs are in detail and simple ways to remove them. There is a lot to speak about, so let us begin. 

What Are WordPress Breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumbs are a catalog of links that follows a specific hierarchy. The link that comes first is known as the ‘Home’ link. Each category, opposite, and parent page follow the Home link. Did you know that WordPress does not have Breadcrumb Feature from the origin? Actually, the installed theme gives rise to breadcrumbs with its codes. 

They display the’ higher-level categories’ that navigate them to the content they are viewing. In addition, they also lead you to navigate back to the previous pages. Therefore, they create a ‘trail’ leading views way back to the ‘Home page. 

WordPress Breadcrumbs have many advantages, although it does not necessarily mean that they are helpful to all. Some users may find it messy or confusing and seek options or its removal. 

However, there is one interesting fact about these breadcrumbs. If you have installed a theme that does not contain any, you can generate breadcrumbs using many plugins. Although, as you know, plugins are the primary tools of WordPress, they are also the key solutions for removing Breadcrumbs.

How Do The WordPress Breadcrumbs Work?

You will find massive information about WordPress Breadcrumbs on the internet, but still, you might be looking for more information about it. In this guide, we have tried to explain the concept in as much detail as possible. 

There are 2 types of Breadcrumbs on WordPress, and each of them has distinctive characteristics. All these three breadcrumbs are beneficial for a wide range of purposes. You can optimize their navigation with the help of extension UX. 

Please note that eliminating WordPress Breadcrumbs is complex as long as you do not understand the procedure fully, even tougher than fixing the Chromecontinue use issue. So let us check out this one by one:

  • History-Based

When users move from one page to another across your website, History-based breadcrumbs keep track of their origin. It takes them to the page from where they started navigation.  

  • Attribute-Based

These breadcrumbs are meant for E-commerce websites. They present the attributes that led the viewers to the product page that they are presently viewing. 

  • Hierarchy-Based

They mainly unveil the position of the user on the site. 

These breadcrumbs have crucial footprints on the SEO field as well. It is because they exhibit the relationships among different content on your website. This is how ‘bots’ or search engine crawlers detect the structure of your site. In turn, it positively influences the indexing of the pages of your site. 

Sometimes, viewers can see additional content on your site that relates to their search. The reason behind it is also breadcrumbs. Search engines arrange them accordingly in their search results which enable users to see extra shreds of content. 

What Are The Steps To Remove Breadcrumbs From WordPress?

As we have mentioned earlier, breadcrumbs can irritate you, especially if you are a new WordPress user. Moreover, as its concept is a little complicated, it is unsuitable for certain people. So here are some ways to remove it from the site:

  • If the breadcrumbs originate from a plugin, the remedy is to deactivate the plugin from the Plugin menu. 
  • If a theme code carries them, manually remove the responsible line of code. You can find it in the header.php file. 
  • Furthermore, by using custom CSS, you can omit these breadcrumbs. All you need to do is find the responsible CSS at first in this route – Appearance – Customize – Additional CSS. Then add the attribute – Display: none; Now add this to the box of Custom CSS, and you are good to go. 

The Bottom Line 

Breadcrumbs might be helpful to some while annoying to others. If you are comfortable with breadcrumbs on your site, then you are good to go. SEO and robust UX are two pillars of a well-built site. But if you want to remove it, then the steps mentioned above will give you accurate results.

If you have any questions about WordPress Breadcrumbs, let us know in the comment section below. Also, follow us for more intuitive articles on topics like ‘social media ghost mascot.’

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