Find Out Why An Unknown Error Occurred Error Code 0x80070002 in Outlook?

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most commonly used e-mail applications that integrates excellently with a number of Microsoft-built applications, it is mostly used by Windows users but can run on both Windows and MAC OS. Applications running on a Windows platform is bound to produce error sometimes. Error code 0x80070002 appears in Outlook on Windows.

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In this guide, we will provide you with all the necessary information and solutions to fix an unknown error occurred error code 0x80070002.

Also, Read – 0x800ccc0f Outlook 2016

The Primary cause of Outlook error code 0x80070002

Before discussing to fix the error, we will know the reasons for the error in Windows Outlook.

After receiving requests from several Outlook users and examining its root causes, error code 0x80070002 Outlook 2013 / 2016 is find to originate due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Corrupt Windows file structure.
  2. Inaccessibility of the directory where Outlook wants to create a PST file.

Fixing problems in the Windows directory structure is out of the scope of this article, however, discussing how we can resolve the error through Outlook certainly is not. In the next section, we have discussed techniques to use an accessible directory for creating a PST file if the default one is inaccessible.

How to Resolve Error 0x80070002 in Outlook?

By default Outlook creates its data files (PST) at one of the two following locations:

  • \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\
  • \Documents\Outlook Files

If any of those directories are inaccessible to Outlook, error code 0x80070002 Outlook 2013 / 2016 is occur. This error can also arise if you are trying to manually set up a new Outlook account and the location that you’ve picked to create the PST file is not accessible for some reason. Follow the below-mentioned steps to edit Windows Registry and force Outlook to use a different default location for creating PST files:

  • Go to the Windows Documents folder and create a new folder there called for outlook pst. Ensure that you can create files in this folder and create a test file to verify that it is accessible and writable.
  • Once the folder is created, note down its complete path by clicking on the Windows Explorer address bar.
  • Now open the Windows Run dialog, type Regedit and hit Enter.
An Unknown Error Occurred Error Code 0x80070002
  • This will open Windows Registry. Browse to the path:


  • Open the folder according to the Outlook version you are using. Here’s some help:

Outlook 2007 = \12\

In Outlook 2010 = \14\

Outlook 2013 = \15\

Outlook 2016 = \16\

  • Now the path should look something like this:


  • Highlight Outlook in the left pane by single-clicking on it.
  • Now right-click in an empty area in the right pane and click on New > String Value.
  • When prompted, give it the name ForcePSTPath and hit Enter.
  • Now you’ll be able to find this new value in the right pane. Right-click on it, and select Modify.
  • Under “Value data” enter the complete location for the PST file you noted/created earlier.
  • Click OK and close the Registry editor window.

Now try recreating a new Outlook account or continuing to work on wherever you left and an unknown error occurred error code 0x80070002 should not bug you anymore.


Regardless of how tricky an error seems, there’s always a solution present for it. Same for An unknown error occurred error code 0x80070002. Manual methods solve errors most of the time, but in case you face an error that refuses to go away, then ask the Experts.

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